Study Plan

Throughout my study plan, you will learn the most important flamenco styles. Not all the existing flamenco styles are included, as the program is designed for you to study the most common styles and the ones that you can master in the least number of lessons possible. You will be able to choose where to start depending on your level of skill and preferences.  The program is not fixed and can be adapted to your requirements.

First Group


  1. 12-time structure 2/4-3/4. In E Phrygian or A Phrygian mode.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons


  1. 12-time structure 2/4-3/4. In E Phrygian or A Phrygian mode.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons

Fandangos de Huelva

  1. 6-time structure 3/4-3/4. In E Phrygian or A Phrygian.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons


  1. 4-time structure 2/4 or 4/4. In E Phrygian or A Phrygian.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons

Second Group
Soleá por bulerías

  1. 12-time structure 2/4-3/4. In E Phrygian or A Phrygian mode.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons


  1. 12-time structure. 3/4-2/4. In E major, A major or C major.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons


  1. 4-time structure 2/4 o 4/4. In E phrygian or A phrygian.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons


  1. 3 time structure 3/4. In E phrygian.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons

Third Group


  1. Free style (no rhythmic structure). In F# phrygian.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons


  1. Free style (no rhythmic structure). In E phrygian.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons


  1. Free style (no rhythmic structure). In B major.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons

Fandangos- naturales

  1. Free style (no rhythmic structure). In E phrygian or A phrygian.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons

Fourth Group


  1. 12-time or 6-time structure. 3/4-2/4 or 2/4. In E phrygian or A phrygian.

  2.  10 x 1 h lessons

Fifth Group


  1. 4-time structure. 4/4. In any key.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons


  1. 3-time structure. 3/4. In any key.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons


  1. 4-time structure 2/4. In any key.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons


  1. 4-time structure 2/4. In any key.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons

Sixth Group


  1. 4-time structure 4/4. In A minor and E minor.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons


  1. 4-time structure 4/4. In G major, E major, C major , D major y A major.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons


  1. 6-time structure 3/4. In A phrygian and E phrygian.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons


  1. 4-time structure 4/4. In major phrygian.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons

Seventh Group


  1. 12-time structure. 3/4-2/4. En clave de A mayor.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons


  1. 4-time structure. 4/4. In C major, E major, A major y D major.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons


Eigth Group


  1. 12-time structure. 2/4-3/4. In E phrygian.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons


  1. 4-time structure 4/4. In E phrygian.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons


  1. Free style (no time signature) in any key.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons


  1. 12-time structure 3/4-2/4. In E phrygian.

  2.  4 x 1 h lessons

Your journey into the roots of Flamenco Starts Here


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