flamenco guitar technique: Picado
The Picado is the most spectacular technique of the flamenco guitar. We have all heard the dizzying picados of Paco de Lucia or Maestro Sabicas at some point in our lives and no doubt this may have been one of the reasons why we have become interested in the flamenco guitar.
The origin of the picado comes from the ¨vihuela¨ and the ¨Guitarra Barroca¨. Formerly the techniques of the flamenco guitar were divided into techniques:
- “Pa arriba”: Picado, arpeggios, tremolos ( generally developed on strings 1-2-3).
- “Pa abajo”: Thumb, alzapúa and rasgueados (generally developed on strings 6-5-4).
The Picado technique in the flamenco guitar comes from the techniques that began to be used in classical music instruments. These techniques were adapted over time in the techniques of the flamenco guitar and began to develop in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. But it was in the middle of the 20th century when flamenco guitar techniques began to develop in a spectacular way.
The first guitarist to develop the picado technique in flamenco guitar in a virtuoso way is the master Sabicas (1912-1990). He developed the scales not only on the first three strings, 1-2-3, that is to say on E-B-G, but also applied the picado technique in a surprising and fast way on the strings 4-5-6 (D-A-E). After Maestro Sabicas, it is Paco de Lucia who reaches the perfect mastery in a surprising way and reaches speeds never seen or heard before. From that moment on, all guitarists have tried to imitate him to show our technical qualities.
It should be pointed out that the picado in flamenco guitar is not only used as a melodic resource, but also as a rhythmic resource. The scales are generally developed in the Phrygian mode and in the minor and major scales of the tonality. Usually, the order of the fingers is Index-Middle, Index-Middle, etc… But you can also start with the Middle finger followed by the Index.
Some guitarists use the order with Middle-Ring, Middle-Ring, etc. And there are even guitarists who do three-finger picking (Index-Middle-Ring, Index, Middle, Ring, etc…).
The attack of the fingers on the strings must be done in the intermediate zone between the soundhole and the bridge. Never too far back (because the string takes too much tension) and never too far forward (because the string is too weak).
One of the problems that we face when practicing the picado technique when you are a beginner flamenco guitarist, is the coordination of the fingers. It is very important to pay attention not to repeat fingers. If we repeat two notes with the same finger, it is as if we wanted to run fast with only one leg… Totally impossible.
To coordinate the movement well, we must practice at a speed that allows us to control the movement, so that our muscles (muscle memory) can understand and memorize the movement we need. If we study in a progressive way, the speed will come by itself. It is only a matter of time. We must trust our body more than our mind.
It is also very important to rest on the next string the finger we have used to play a note. For example:
- If we play a note on the first string, we rest on the second string.
- If we play on the second string, we rest on the third string, and so on, successively up to the sixth string which has no support.
The Picado technique is fundamental to learning flamenco guitar. In flamenco guitar lessons, picado studies are essential and are studied from the first class. The development of speed will be studied progressively. To know how to learn flamenco guitar, we must first know how many techniques there are and how they should be developed. Without technique, it is impossible to play flamenco guitar. Not only for flamenco guitarists, but for flamenco dancers it is exactly the same. If they study technique, they would never be able to dance.
Something we have to take into account is the tension of the flamenco guitar strings. Generally, to study at home, it is advisable to use medium tension strings. And for concert, professionals use (generally) high tension.
If you are curious to learn more about the Picado technique on the flamenco guitar, write me through the form and I will give you the necessary information on how to play the flamenco guitar and how to organize a study program that will be effective for your development as a flamenco guitarist through our flamenco guitar lessons.